Origin & History

Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute (SPRERI) earlier known as Jyoti Solar Energy Institute (JSEI) was established on 27th January 1979 as a result of the initiative taken by a group of foresighted persons led by Late Dr. H.M. Patel and Late Shri Nanubhai Amin. The foundation stone was laid by Late Dr. H. M. Patel, the then Honorable Home Minister, Government of India, The Institute was started in a cluster of old residential buildings known as Bhaikaka Niwas provided by Charutar Vidya Mandal. The Management of Jyoti Solar Energy Institute was vested with its Board of Management. In February 1986 the name of the Institute was changed to Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute (SPRERI). In its 3/93 meeting held on 21st July 1993, the Board of Management of SPRERI decided to make SPRERI an independent and autonomous organization.

Inauguration of the institute by Dr. H. M. Patel

Dr. H.M. Patel with Shri Nanubhai Amin and other dignitaries

Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute (SPRERI) is an autonomous, no-profit organization managed by its Board of Management. The Institute generates most of its operating funds through projects given to it on merit by Government and non- Government organizations in the country and outside. SPRERI’s service activities like consultancy, technology evaluation and training supplement the project funds to make it a self-supporting and growing institution. The Institute is recognized for Ph.D. programme by Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Its main areas of work include solar thermal and photovoltaic, bioconversion and thermo- chemical conversion of biomass.

The institute is registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act 21 of 1860 and also as a Public Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. It has been approved as a Research Association for the purpose of clause (ii) of subsection (l) of Section 35 of the Income Tax Act 1961 and is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.

SPRERI will be an organization that will develop environment friendly Renewable Energy Technologies that are efficient and economically viable for society

  • To develop environment friendly technologies for conversion of biomass into bio-fuels, energy (including electricity) and useful chemicals.
  • To develop technologies for utilization of bioconversion waste
  • To develop technologies for application of solar energy
  • To develop business models for promoting use of renewable energy technologies
  • To provide knowledge based insights to influence policies and programmes of the Governments for utilization of biomass and solar energy technologies for meeting energy requirements.
  • To provide specialized training in renewable energy technologies to engineers and scientists and guidance and facilities to research students
  • To provide extension support and consultancy to renewable energy programmes
  • To test and evaluate renewable energy technologies.

