National Seminar
The Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute, with the support of the Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) and ICAR has organized a one-day National Seminar on “Opportunities and Challenges in the Production of Green Hydrogen from Biomass,” on December 14, 2024, at SPRERI.
This seminar was attended by more than 50 experts from universities, institutes and industries. The National seminar was inaugurated by Dr. K. B. Kathiria, Vice Chancellor, Anand Agricultural University. Dr. Sunil Kumar Khare, Director, IISER Kolkata was the guest of honour and key note speaker. Dr. Bhargava, project coordinator, AICRP on EAAI, ICAR and Dr. Sandip Gangil, Project Coordinator, CRP on EA, ICAR, and Dr. Manish Das, Director, ICAR-DMAPR were the distinguished guest.
During the day, two technical sessions, a panel discussion and valedictory function was held. The technical Session-I on ‘Hydrogen Generation Pathways from Biomass’ was chaired by Prof. S. K. Khare and CoChaired Dr. Sandip Gangil. The technical session II on ‘Challenges and future perspectives of green
hydrogen economy’ was chaired by Dr. C. K. Sumesh and Co-Chaired Dr. V. K Bhargava. The during the panel discussion Dr. C. K. Sumesh acted as a chair and other fellow panelists were Dr. V. K. Bhargava, Dr. P. Subramanian, Dr. Sandip Gangil, and Dr. Shyamali Sarma. This discussion was moderated
by Dr. Mukul Dubey. The discussion was held on pathways of hydrogen production, policies and support by government, reduction in production cost, challenges and opportunities in bio-hydrogen generation, storage and transport.
The seminar ended with concluding remarks by Prof. S. K. Khare, Dr. Anil Kumar Dubey, Director SPRERI and Dr. A. Mahesh, Asst. Prof., C. L. Patel ISRRE, Anand.
Key recommendations from this seminar arei) Government policies should financially support to promote research and production of green hydrogen from biomass and for cost-effective biomass conversion technologies.
ii) Field demonstration should be established to assess economic and efficiency in Hydrogen generation.
iii) Different models should be developed for biomass management to address the issue of collection, transportation, and storage to reduce costs.
iv) Encourage collaborative projects between academia, industry for innovative field implementation of technology.